
Plate shearing operation and matters needing attention

Safety operating procedures for plate shears:
1, before the operation should wear protective clothing, cuff buckle, coat bottom hem can't open, not next to the start of the machine wear and take off to change clothes, or Wai cloth on the body, to prevent the machine strangulation injury. Must wear a safety helmet, braid should be put into the cap, not wearing a skirt, slippers.
2, cutting plate machine operator must be familiar with the main structure, performance and use of plate shearing machine.
3, cutting machine [1] applicable to shear the material thickness machine rated value of all kinds of steel, copper, aluminum and non metal materials and must is no hard mark, welding slag, clip slag, weld material, don't allow the thickness.
4, the use of plate shearing machine:
A, according to the thickness of the material to be cut, adjust the gap between the blade.

B. According to the material was cut to adjust the width of copying or fixture.
C, plate shearing machine before the operation of the first 3 - 1 air travel, normal after the implementation of the shear work.
5, the use of such as the discovery of the machine running is not normal, should immediately cut off the power down inspection. Inlet pump
6, adjusting the machine, you must cut off the power, when moving the workpiece, should pay attention to the safety of the hand.
7, shear ministries should always maintain machine lubrication, each class should be operators fill lube once every six months by the mechanic of rolling bearing parts lubricating oil filling a.
The matters that should be paid attention to in the course of using the shearing machine:
1 start cutting machine machine for idling several cycle, to ensure that in normal circumstances, try to cut different thickness from thin to thick. To ensure that users are familiar with the performance of plate shearing machine.
2 the different thickness of the plate must be adjusted to different blade clearance. If the gap between the corresponding blade is not adjusted, then the blade durability is affected.
3 shearing machine in the shear process to open the pressure gauge switch, observe the oil pressure value, shear 12mm plate pressure should be less than 20MPa. This remote pressure regulating valve No9, the factory pressure setting 20 - 22MPa, the user must comply with this requirement, not to cut the material surface to increase pressure, resulting in damage to the machine.
4 sound balance during operation. If there is noise, and should stop check.
5 shear plate machine operation when the fuel tank to increase the temperature of <60 degrees over time off the rest.
Two, plate shearing machine maintenance method:
1, in strict accordance with the operating procedures for operation.
2, each boot according to the lubrication chart requires timing, fixed point, quantitative add lubricating oil, oil should be clean without precipitation.
3, the machine must always keep clean, not part of the anti rust paint.
4, motor bearing lubrication overflow oil should be changed regularly filling, and always check whether the normal work of safe and reliable electrical parts.
5, regular inspection of the triangle belt, handle, knob, keys are damaged, serious wear should be replaced in a timely manner, and to supplement the spare parts.
6, regularly check the repair switch, insurance, handle, to ensure that the work is reliable.
10, 7 minutes before work every day, the machine tool lubrication and cleaning machine.
8, is strictly prohibited non designated personnel operating the equipment, usually must be done away from the machine.
Hydraulic shears is owing to a circular motion, and arc blade making and difficult, generally with blades do pad iron compensation, so the income gap is not accurate, cut out of the sheet is not very ideal, because it is the arc movement, the blade is not made of rectangular shape, but should made into an acute angle, so the stress condition of the blade is not ideal, damage the blade also more powerful.


Hydraulic Shearing Machine

When you apply a high pressure tool through a metal plate and remove part of the metal, the process is called shearing. Shear machining devices include punching machines, which make small discs, and blanking machines, which produce washers and similar objects.

Direct tool ordinary machining is NOT the same as shear machining. With standard tool machining, a single or multiple point tool can be employed to take out a piece of metal from the metal sheet and/or block. This process required repeated pounding of the metal until the required dimensions are achieved. With shear machining, the tool's cutting edge removes the metal from the plate. While this happens, maximum pressure is applied. The tool, however, only touches the metal one time.

Both mechanical and hydraulic machines can perform shear machining. Hydraulic shears cut and score sheet metal quickly and accurately. They work well for factories that do a lot of metal fabrication. In addition, hydraulic shears are best if the operation requires intense pressure. They don't require a lot of maintenance, will operate continuously, and are fast and quiet. Hydraulic shear machines also take up less space than mechanical shear machines while applying the same amount of pressure.

When the metal is inserted into hydraulic machines, it is secured by clamps so it does not shift under high pressure. To ensure that the cut is smooth and even for a 90 degree cut, a squaring arm or back gauge must be used. Minute burrs may be formed by the edge of the cut metal; these must be removed by grinding. If you use hydraulic shears, be careful of the little marks left by the cutting blades and holding clamps while working. You will need to remove them or otherwise account for them.

There are a wide variety of hydraulic shear machine models on the market that accommodate a large range of metal plate sizes. Many metal cutting applications can be used, and the metals can often be reused. You may be surprised at the appearance of modern hydraulic shears. Rather than being clunky and loud, they are finely enclosed within large standalone units that operate without much noise.

The machines are equipped with several sets of sharp blades that cut the metal into specified shapes and sizes. Onlookers find it difficult to believe that, within that attractive compartment, extreme pressure is being generated to cut the metal. Since the current models of hydraulic shears normally don't require any installation into the floor itself, they can easily be moved to any place they are needed within the production line.

You need to always exercise caution when operating a hydraulic shear machine, even though all the shearing components may be located internally. It is important to keep the machine's blades sharp since this will prevent off-cuts and maximize the machine's efficiency. In addition, it is essential that all moving parts be cleaned and lubricated frequently. To avoid damaging the machine, be sure the machine has the proper levels of hydraulic fluid.


What is a Shearing Machine?

A shearing machine is one of two things; an industrial machine that cuts metal or a machine that cuts the wool off sheep. An industrial shearing machine generally presses blades down into metal sheets to punch out shapes. These shapes may be the desired end product or they may be the waste product. While shearing metal sheets is most common, other metallic objects may be processed in one of these machines. A sheep-shearing machine may be anything from a pair of small clippers similar to ones found in a barber shop to a large machine that features an external power supply and multiple clipping arms.

A metal shearing machine uses sharp blades and a lot of pressure to quickly cut shapes out of metal. The blades on a shearing machine are typically directly perpendicular to the surface getting punched. This maximizes the applied force and maintains an even cut. Some shearing machines operate like a pair a scissors. This shearing style is less common, as the pressure isn’t evenly applied to the metal.

Depending on the quality and thickness of the sheared material, the blades on the shearing machine may be of a higher-quality metal. The general rule for metal cutting is that the blades must be harder than the material being cut, but this rule doesn’t always hold true in a shearing machine. Since the cut is so fast and the pressure is so high, steel can often cut steel with little problem. Still, some machines use special steel or carbide alloys for their blades.

While the majority of shearing machines cut sheet metal, some cut other metal forms. The most common metal behind sheets is metal bars. These bars are often very long, and the shearing machine cuts them into more manageable lengths for use in other machines. Other machines focus on nearly-finished parts; they cut along edges to remove burs or leftover material from earlier manufacturing processes.

The smaller forms of sheep-shearing machines are hand-held and come with a battery pack or a cord to a wall outlet. These machines have sets of razor-sharp metal blades that move back and forth very quickly. These blades are under a protective guard that prevents the user from cutting himself or the sheep by mistake. The user runs the machine over the sheep’s body, removing the wool as close to the skin as possible. A large sheep-shearing machine works the same way, except it typically consists of a central unit with multiple attached clippers and tools.